January 15th, 2014
Netfunda Admin
Netfunda Technologies is expanding rapidly and is well set on the growth trajectory. We wish to accomplish the mission of being the gold standard of custom fit software products. We value and appreciate professionals with an appetite for seamless growth and an uncompromising value system premised on meritocracy.
Why Join Us?
Netfunda Technologies moves on the juggernaut of growth on the “fivefold path”
- Netfunda Technologies strongly believes in meritocracy. We respect and reward individuals who are driven by intellect and ambition. For every challenge that we face and to every question that is asked, we say “Yes, we can.”
- Netfunda Technologies wholeheartedly supports innovation. We respect and reward individuals who innovate. We aspire to be a driver of disruptive technologies. We do not deal in commodities and do not believe in the idea of “commoditization”.
- Netfunda Technologies thrives on enlightened democracy. We respect and recognize the prophecy that decisions should be taken at the point where the corporation meets the client and hence are willing to “invert the pyramid” if required. Every voice is unique and has a right to be heard in the market. We go the extra mile to make passive voices heard in the market provided you strike a chord with the audience.
- Netfunda Technologies is an equal opportunity employer. We are not and do not desire to be a team of stars. We are and desire to be a star team. The world is closing in and we think borders are getting softer than ever before. We value commitments and relationships. We believe we can win by leveraging the “symbiotic dividend.”
- Netfunda Technologies adheres to the principles of a socially responsible global citizen. We do not over promise and under deliver. We under promise and over deliver. A clear conscience is the softest pillow and delivering on promises that bring smiles on the faces of clients and employees is the greatest gift. We believe that our products and solutions can “make a difference” to lives.
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